Holding baby for naps


So when my baby girl was first born she slept in her bassinet and she did really good. At some point I don’t even remember when or why but I started holding her for her naps. I finally got her out of that habit little less than a month ago when she was about 3.5 months old. But yesterday she got her 4 months shots she’s about 4.5 months now. She has a fever and doesn’t feel good at all. I called her doctor waiting for them to call back. She’s already had as much Tylenol as she can have in 24 hours started giving it to her last night when her fever reached 102 😳

Here’s my question if I hold her for her naps just today will I have to sleep train her all over again to nap alone? Every time I try to put her down she just cries like she needs me so bad and I just pick her back up. Need some opinions or experiences Thank you!