My 1 yo doesn’t want to drink Whole Milk☹️🐄

Cristal🌹💋🥀Reneé • Wife & Mom to twins Kenzie & Christian. One angel on Earth, the other in Heaven

How do you get your kids to transition to whole milk? My LO turned 1 in April and she is not interested in giving up her formula.☹️ I tried Organic whole milk first and she sipped it a few times then was over it. Her pediatrician said try a spoon full of chocolate syrup in it and she sipped that a few times then gave up.. Now I’m trying Organic 2% Milk with a little Vanilla Almond milk added to it and she’s still like.. no thanks mom😕 How did you get your LO to transition to Whole milk?🤷🏽‍♀️