jankie ass hospitals


okay so some of you may no I had a misscarage the day before mothers day and yes I went to a hospital and got every cleaned out and all that well so I thought... the best day my belly had went down but not all the way witch u will see in the first pic between then an now my belly has gradually grown as you will see in the second picture so I decided to go to the doctor maybe I had an infection and it was causing me to bloat but nope low and be hold there is another baby in this stupid ass hospital failed to tell me that I was having twins not once but twice like wow they are horrible I should have known not to go there bc when my lil brother broke his leg they said it was fine and needwd ice so we drove an hour and 30 min to a different hospital and yep his leg was broken and needed surgery bc we had just been letting him walk he was only 1 just crazy omg jessamine County

need to get

it together

and this is wat it looked like before misscarying