I feel like a failure...

My husband and I struggle with unexplained infertility. We have been together and trying for 11 years. I really thought this month was it! My period was late for 7 days for the first time ever. I have never ever been late before. I get my periods like clock work every 28 days. My breasts we're sore. I had very light cramps and was experiencing some pretty extreme nausea in the middle of the day the last two days. We we're getting excited. I texted him that today is day 7 of being late and we can probably safely take a test now that would give accurate results. He was ecstatic and we agreed I would test tomorrow morning so we could watch the results together. As I'm happily going about my day thinking of tomorrow I stop to use the bathroom and when I wiped there bright red blood. I just started my period. I sat there and stared at it for a good 5 minutes. My heart shattered and I bawled my eyes out. My husband came home and instantly knew what happened just based on my face. I told him I was sorry. He held me and told me it's not my fault and to not lose hope. I feel like a failure. I feel like less than a woman and my body won't allow what it's been programmed to do. I know it truly is not my fault but I I am shattered.