Literally was accused of cheating for carrying so hard kek


So I got urgot in ARAM. And I was playing with a new friend i made from the state in moving to!

So we were just mindlessly playing, and losing. We didn’t have a single tower, nor did we take a tower

Our nexus was one auto away from losing.

So I ulted and snowballed in for the end game screen

But got a triple instead LOL

I was building tanky cuz we had full damage team, and built health cuz no one had bork/liandries at the time.

We literally turned the game around and won LOL graves and LB were flaming each other and me and my new friend were like just laughing over voice

And suddenly I’m like wait this game is still going?

Wait we’re winning


But yeah. Zac started getting super salty in all chat. I didn’t say anything though.

End game screen came, I said gg. Graves says report lb, and lb says report graves

And Zac hits me with this shit LOL



Sorry the ss is from a video I took to send to my bf haha