worried momma...

Rachel • Mommy to Anniston 💕 4/1/18

Hi moms, my LO is 7 weeks old on Sunday and has been the best baby..sleeping 6-7 hours at night, eating like a champ, and only crying when hungry or wet. However, things have changed. Starting Sunday, she has fought sleep at night. Normally we would feed her at 9 and she would fall right to sleep. Since Sunday, shes been fussy. Kicking her legs, not wanting to eat but yet mouthing and then taking an ounce, fall asleep and waking right up doing the same thing. She is formula fed, and the only thing I can think of is gas or the formula she is on, recently got changed (they changed a few vitamins in it, I noticed because the packaging changed) but it's the same type. I tried gripe water and she slept, but when she woke up we gave her 4 oz and she puked violently everywhere.. she has puked probably one every few days, like coming out her nose vomits. She wasnt exactly mouthing when I fed her so maybe we overfed her... I'm worried, any ideas???? Also, took her temporal temperature and it was normal