dang it.. i need to vent

please be nice.. i dont need more negitivity.. Its taken alot.. for 15+ years I've dealt with PCOS, given up on having a baby and felt like a failure as a woman. Then 3 years ago I met this man who made me start to hope again... Hope that maybe one day I'd be a mama. In March this year my doc tells me, "you have a gene called RAD51C, you need to make a choice, have a baby or have a hysterectomy." So the TTC begins.. I've lost weight, I'm taking metformin, I've tracked ovulation, I've prayed, prayed some more, stood on my head, done a baby dance and today, doc calls.. "you're tests came back.. you're not ovulating. well shit.. I'm 35, my baby making window is closing rapidly... should i just give up? should i give it more time? I'm so discouraged that all i can do is cry. This sucks.