Really need some advice...


Since ab a month before I gave birth we’ve been living with my grandma and grandpa bc there wasn’t anywhere that had room or that wasn’t a complete hell hole of people that never supported me while I was pregnant (and also hasn’t even seen her yet and it’s her own grandfather and my father) and now she’s a month old and my grandpa (who is a prick) said we have until the first to find a place to move into bc he only gave us 2 weeks AFTER she was born and we moved in a month before bc I was dilating and having false labor.

We currently live on a fixed income and my boyfriend has side jobs and we’ve been signed up on a low income apartment for god knows how long but they’re taking forever.

But we found a house where one of his dads friends knows the landlord really well, and is buddies with and rents off of right next to the house. Only thing is the rent is 450 a month non-counting bills and will only leave us ab 300 dollars to live off of from his check before we pay for bills....

Where we are living now it’s nothing but arguing from the stress of living here and not just between me and him but between me and my grandparents and we’ve nearly broken up multiple times from how much we’ve been arguing and it’s not fair to our baby how much arguing is going on.

We need our own space to live but I don’t know what to do. I am open to any advice so please feel free to leave whatever advice you have.