Am I in the wrong? (Long post)

So I guess I'll start at the beginning of all this. I used to get my period on time every month ever since I was 11 (I'm 20 now). However since around January of this year it's become more and more late. My man and I have been together for over a year and a half and we've been sexually active for about 6 months.Well since my period would be more and more late every month my man would freak out every time we had sex and he'd make me buy plan B because we can't afford a child yet.

Finally one day, after having my period late for 7 days he said I need to be on birth control or we would not have sex until we get married (we aren't even engaged yet). **I should note that every time we had sex, we used a condom and it never broke except for 1 time. I never got pregnant because I took plan B and the condom didn't break, it was just my man being worried**

Now back to the whole "birth control or no sex" dilemma. I stated many times to him how afraid I was of taking hormonal birth control because of the horror stories my friends told me when they were on it. I also just didn't like the idea of putting hormones into my body that I didn't feel were necessary. On top of all that, I am more of a sexual person than he is, I have a much higher libido. That being said, of course it'd be easy for him to make that ultimatum because he doesn't want sex nearly as often as I do and would be fine without it for a long while. It was not for me though. In the end though I caved and agreed to getting myself on birth control.

Now that I'm on birth control and that I take it religiously at the same time every day for 3 months, he wouldn't be afraid of a pregnancy right? Wrong. Despite the science and answers from other friends, he still feels the need to wear condoms IN ADDITION TO my birth control. Despite having a 99.9% success rate he still feels the need to wrap up every time we have sex. I know it seems like a petty thing to get mad about, but I feel like that the stress I was put through and the roller coaster of emotions I've had to go through is enough to have it be where we can at least have safe sex without a condom every time. I bent over backwards and broke my values of not wanting to put hormones into my body to meet his standards and he still thinks it isn't enough. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong and I'm just a piece of crap for thinking this way, but he won't listen to me when I tell him this. He just keeps saying "you agreed to this, don't put this all on me, you were the one who didn't want to give up sex". What do you all think, I'm so lost now 😔