Chemical Pregnancy


Sharing my Chemical Pregnancy story as I found some comfort reading others. This was our 2nd month TTC. On Mother’s Day, I took a HPT at 13DPO, and i had a great feeling about it as I had lots of symptoms. It was a BFP, faint but definitely there. I spent two days very excited but by the Third morning my lines were getting lighter not darker and this concerned me. A digital gave me a BFN. The doctor told me that lines are lines and it doesn’t matter but something didn’t feel right. My boobs stopped hurting, my nausea went away and I just didn’t feel excited anymore. At 16DPO my test was barely positive and today, at 17DPO, the line is not there and I have started to bleed and cramp badly, obviously resulting in a chemical pregnancy 😔 I have had a big day of tears and now I am feeling positive at least after reading that lots of women get their baby in the cycle after a chemical. This baby just wasn’t meant to be. I’ve also decided to stop charting my BBT, as I think I’ve been obsessing so much over every little sign during the cycles, and I wonder if the tension is making matters worse not better! Baby dust to all and if you’ve just experienced this, my heart goes out to you as I know it’s an awful feeling!