TTC while breastfeeding toddler


Hi everyone!

Our son is 23 months old and we have been TTC for baby #2 for 3 months now (started in January but we took a 2 months break because we were going on a trip in Europe and I didn’t want to be in my first trimester there.). I got my period back about a year ago and it’s been regular for more than 6 months now. Our son nurses about 3-4 times a day for about 10-15 minutes except in the morning when it can be much longer since he falls back asleep on the breast (although during our trip he nursed a LOT...jet lag and foreign environment I guess).

For our first i got pregnant on the first try and was hoping it would be as easy of course... I was hoping to be pregnant this months but took a test this morning (AF due tomorrow or Saturday) but it’s negative.

Anybody had trouble getting pregnant with their second while breastfeeding even though it was so easy fort the first one?

Did you do something that helped?

Thank you so much in advance!