This is what infertility looks like

Katie 🍉 • married to my best friend and soulmate and trying to start a family

I went from 0 prescriptions to this.

metformin, estrogen, progesterone, letrozole (hcg trigger not pictured). I don't take them all every day. it's a well choreographed dance of what goes into my system and when.

infertility looks like $100s dollars in pregnancy/ ovulation tests, and prescriptions and over $1k in doctors appointments Every. Damn. Month.

infertility looks like insatiable hunger, and nausea, insomnia, and lethargy, excitement, anger, and heart break.

at the end of this, when we finally get to hold our baby, we will be amazing parents. we've been through all of this together. we can conquer anything.

today I choose to look at this whole 4 year experience (to date) as parent training. bring it. i'm a warrior now.

baby dust to all of you!