premie moms

Hi premie moms i’m just wondering how do yous cope it’s been nearly 6 weeks now and i’m really starting to break.. i feel like me and my little boy are just not bonding.. in there at his incubator every few hours through the day and i’m doing nappy change, mouth care having him out for skin to skin and there changing him.. it’s really starting to take its toll on me like he’s not mine

am i wrong for saying that.. it’s starting to feel like i’m only there because i have to be.. im not on depressants ect but i’m really thinking of seeing the doctors, i’m absolutely heartbroken over writing this post and even feeling this way.. i love him with all my heart but i feel we just haven’t connected, it’s so hard with him being in a incubator and only allowed out for skin to skin once every 24 hours.. 😢