Dying to breastfeed! *** warning long post


I am pregnant with my 3rd and my husband says last bony (all boys). My first son is now 14 years old I had the worst labor, delivery and recovery with him. I could not breastfeed him due to a serious infection that almost killed me. High powered antibiotics and heparin kept my milk from coming in at all.

My second son (8 years old) I was so severely stressed due to a bad split with the bio dad. My milk came in but not enough to sustain him regardless of what I did.

This time I am very happily married and I have noticed that my breast were tender and more sensitive through my my first 5 months of my pregnancy. I’m 29 weeks today and I have noticed for a few weeks now that I do have some leakage already. I will be having a 3rd c-section and I am aware it could take a bit long for my milk to come in verses natural delivery. I would really like to breastfeed this baby and would like to know what else besides fenugreek have you tried for your milk supply. I want the best chance possible for this little boy. I know Gatorade and oatmeal but I’m afraid this may not be enough. I’d like to start off strong and tapper off if I need to. Help please!!!!