Possible Ectopic?!


I started to miscarry on 4/29 at 6 weeks. My levels were only in the 40’s at the time so it was expected 2 days later I went for blood work again to make sure my levels were dropping and they were

Last Tuesday 5/8 I went for a follow up appointment and had an ultra sound that showed absolutely nothing in my uterus. My doctor said it was most likely a chemical which I have had before years ago. Went for more blood work yesterday and my levels are now in the 80’s.

I have not been bleeding in the past week and a half but today had mild cramps for a few and started to spot a-little. The nurse at my doctor office wants me to go for blood work again tomorrow and again Monday and come into the office Tuesday for another ultra sound. Obviously if any pain starts she wants me to go straight to the ER.

I asked her what would make my levels go up and reminded her that I had an ultra sound that clearly showed I was no longer pregnant. I asked if it could be ectopic and she said yes it’s possible

Ummm if that’s the case I would imagine waiting 5 more days to find out isn’t very smart

Please help! Has this ever happened to anyone?