Conceiving at a young age


Hi everyone!

Wow okay, so this is my very first post I got Glow about a month or two after my OBGYN told me to start trying.

(Quick back story)

I’ve know for a long time, since around 15 or 16 when I first starting seeing my OB that if I ever wanted to have kids it would be difficult for me. I’m not as fertile as I should be.

I was on the DEPO shot from 15 to 18 just in case of anything, and then my local health clinic took me off for medical reasons.

I’ve currently not been on any other birth controls since, I’ll be 20 in august.

(Take to current time)

My OBGYN, about two so months ago, told me she doesn’t know exactly when my window to have kids will be. All she can tell me is the quicker the better, I’d previously stated I wanted kids fairly soon.

I guess I’m just here to ask if anyone has any advice to give me?

What should I do?

Me and my boyfriend have agreed to start trying next month, within the next 1-3 months we will have our place and be moved in completely.

We are ready for this, well as ready as anyone can be.

We are ready for the heartbreak of all the negative test, because it will be worth it.

Does anyone have any advice for us?

(Yes we are going to be young parents I’ll be 20 he will be 21 in just a few months)