a bit worried...

Anissa • one gorgous doll baby in 2015 😍 one miscarriage at 7 weeks March 2018 😔TTC baby #2! 🌈

Yesturday, I took my toddler to the dentist and was told to have her sit on my lap while they checked her teeth. they laid the chair back so we could lay flat and she laid onto of my stomach. it was only for a few minutes, but it was a bit uncomfortable (the things you'll do to keep your little one comfortable). Well, I just took a pregnancy test and its showing pretty positive. since this test is a little more than a week after my cycle due date, I'm roughly about 5 weeks and change. Do you think it was possible I could have hurt the baby? I know it seems silly, but after a previous mc, I worry....A LOT...

Thanks in advance.