

I need advice on what to do I’m really lost. My kids father and I haven’t been together since October of last year. Recently he’s been saying he wants to try and fix things. At first I kept brushing him off then I told him to prove himself. He lives with his then gf or whatever and her family (I had to find that out on my own) anyway he said he had talked to her so she knew about us and she also was reading our texts. Fast forward to last week we had unprotected sex. So I see him on Monday we have sex again. The next day or later that night I can’t remember but I noticed a big red swollen bump on my vagina. At first I’m like wtf then it starts to hurt. At this point I’m thinking it has to be him because I haven’t had sex since 2017. I knew he had sex with her but I thought he was using condoms, apparently not he’s been raw dogging her too🤮🤮. I told him about it and he was like I’m good so you should be too then I sent him a picture his whole demeanor changed. So I call him and long story short he’s still fucking her after telling me they barely talk or be in the same room, he said he’s not going to turn down any vagina, but I know for a fact I have something. The bump, it smells fishy, itchy, and I have discharge. I’m trying to get an emergency appointment in the morning but as far as this whole situation idk what to do because if he really loved me he wouldn’t have had sex with her. I know I should leave but part of me doesn’t feel ready yet smh