I can’t satisfy my baby’s hunger


Long story short... my 1 month old son is always hungry.

Short story long... I breast feed my little one most of the day & he is still hungry. If he isn’t sleeping he’s eating. He screams & cries non stop to be fed but when I feed him like he wants he over eats & throws up (not spits up), AT LEAST once a day. He won’t take a pacifier (he knows the pacifier isn’t my breast & doesn’t give him milk) & refuses any other type of comfort I try to satisfy him with.

I’ve tried supplementing with formula to make him feel more full but it has yet to work.

His pediatrician told me to feed him for less time & that is not working for him either.

Is anyone else having these issues and can anyone give me suggestions to help my son be satisfied?

I don’t care that I feed him so much, if he’s hungry.

Because when I’m hungry, I eat too.

Im just upset that he throws up EVERYDAY & I’m trying to find some advice to help make it stop.