Business Card On My Car?


A coworker and I were leaving work together since our policy states that we leave the premises in pairs for safety reasons. When we got to our cars, we noticed business cards stuck in the door handles of our cars and it was only the cars parked behind in the back and not the front. Me, being a dumbass, pulled the cards out of my handle and it was for a massage place, but there were two of them with the same picture and different business names. My coworker told me to drop the cards immediately because sometimes people put stuff on them to make you sick or drug you and we’ve had a lot of incidents of women encountering sex trafficking recruiters in our city. I’ve washed my hands like a million times and wiped down my car door handle with a disinfectant wipe when I got home. What else can I do if I haven’t done anything already????? I’m kinda freaking out. I’m trying to avoid touching things with my hand that picked up the business cards.