Is it okay to have weekly ultrasounds during the first trimester.


I've been going to a fertility specialist and I'm current 8 weeks 5 days pregnant. I've been going weekly for ultrasounds since I was 6 weeks pregnant. Today baby was measuring a day ahead at 8 weeks 6 days and had a heartbeat of 179💕 and we got to see it wiggling on the screen. I graduate in 12 days from my fertility specialist and have two more ultrasounds scheduled. One next Wednesday, and my last one the Wednesday after that. Is it okay to have this many ultrasounds??? Will it hurt anything? Should I cancel my ultrasound for next Wednesday and just go to my last one that is scheduled In 12 days? I had two prior miscarriages before this pregnancy and this is the farthest so far that I've ever gotten. I also have a 1 cm subchorionic bleed which is why they said I could come weekly for ultrasounds to keep my mind at ease until my last ultrasound on the 30th of the month which is the day I graduate from my specialist.