Anyone else?


Does anyone else think of what motherhood will be like and just can't imagine ever wanting that lifestyle? I see mothers who work full time and have to go pick up their kids after work, clean, make dinner, give baths, help with homework and have to do it all over the next day and I think, why would I ever want that? I come home from a long day at work and all I want is peace and relaxation. Can't even get a break on the weekends because motherhood is a full time job and theres no days off. Trying to go to the grocery store with a toddler? No thanks, I have a 3 year old sister, I see the struggles and deal with some of them myself. Want to go out? Gotta find a sitter. Sick? Too bad, still gotta take care of your kid. So yeah, I hope one day, that lifestyle will be fulfilling for me because I dont want to grow old and be childless. But it's definitely not going to happen any time soon. I love that I can come and go as I please, I can save and spend my money as I like, get drunk, go out, work, relax, be lazy, do whatever I want without a child stopping those things. I'm not bashing anyones decisions but right now at 21 I cant imagine wanting to be a mother and everything that comes along with it.