Hurting and jealous

A lot of people that I know in my hometown are becoming pregnant. And over half of them never wanted kids in the first place.. My boyfriend and I are a younger couple but we both have good stable incomes and we want a baby. We've tried for a while and I feel like it won't ever happen to me.. I just found out that another one of my friends is pregnant and it's just hard to be happy for her because she doesn't even want the baby. She's contemplating abortion and even though it's not my say I just hurt and long for my own. Idk I know I'm jealous of these couples getting to become parents but I want to know if any other ladies out there feel the same ways and how do you deal? I really want to be happy for them it's just hard because I hurt over the one I can't have..
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Trust me you aren't alone in this hun! Even with family it's hard to be happy when on the side you hurt and feel jealous, it's normal doll we all have feelings and our own wants.


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I agree with Allie, you are definitely not alone at all! I just found out my younger friend who just turned 18 who didn't want kids right now got pregnant twice first time she took care of it because she she wasn't in a good place but now she's keeping this one. another one of my friends got pregnant 3 times never wanted kids so she took care of them all 3 time. My fiance and I have been trying for over a year. Very defeating at times but hang in there honey, you are not alone at all you have a huge support system on here!!! Keep your head up and lots and lots and lots of baby dust your way.


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I know what you mean. I have been ttcing with my husband for 5 years. I have PCOS. Just found out I am pregnant. This past Monday I had some left pain that landed me in the ER. After ultrasound they didnt find anything, probably because I am too early. Since I am having pains on one side they think it may be ectopic. While all this is going on this person who knows what I am going through who is also pregnant is talking about going through an abortion when she is going on her second trimester! I would be thrilled to have heard my baby's strong heart beat. But here I sit with pains because my pregnancy is probably ectopic! Ugh!


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I know the feeling. I had miscarriage in may and in the same month my co worker found out she was pregnant. It was very hard for me but I told her how I felt and that I might act different for awhile until I could adjust. I found that actually being around her and staying updated with her pregnancy helped. Don't get me wrong it still hurts because I'm trying again. Don't lose hope