i pretended to faint

my husband kicked the back of my head when i was sitting on our bed, holding our 3mth old, and my 1yr old next to me. i started feeling dizzy w blurred vision, so i got up to put baby down in his crib. husband got up, hit my head against the door, and i fell. pretending to faint. my 1yr old was scared and crying. husband kicked my chest when i was lying down, i didnt wake up cause i pretended to faint. husband started calling my name, pulled my arm up, and said for me to quit doing this or hes going to get in trouble. he just stood there and looked at me. i got up after 5 secs, couldve stayed longer. he then sat in bed and told me this is all my fault. i shouldve never talk back to him and admit my wrong doings. he said we already have 2 small kids and im still being a bitch, having them involved. both our kids were crying hysterically, he told me to make them stop or he will shoot all of us. he took my phone from me, threw it at the wall, closed and locked the door from escaping. he said i make him so angry, the kids crying makes him angry, if we keep doing this, he will kill us. he then got up again, hit my head multiple times, push, and throw me against our bed and the wall. my head really hurted, i begged him to stop, stop for our kids, but he didnt listen and continue hitting me. i told him my head hurts, he said i deserve it. he still hits my head after telling him about it. he copied my sobs and told me im so evil for doing this to our kids. this all started because he took us to go drink w his friends, so i can drive him home cause he didnt want to sleep over. he didnt want another dwi. i didnt have my license yet, i made a few mistakes on the road while hes sitting on the passenger side, telling me im the most stupidest person on earth, telling me constantly how dumb i am. i cant help him do shit, hes going to divorce me, etc. im purposely driving bad to get him in jail he said. after we got home, he said he only yelled at me cause he had hope in me to bring us home wout any problems, but i failed my mission. i said he already knew i cant quite drive yet, he shouldve never made me went w him to drive us home. he said its still my fault cause i failed him. we stop arguing about this, he went to smoke, got back, and started yelling that i turned my kids against him cause they dont like him. then he told me to go bed w him, i said i have a lot of things to do, he can go himself. he got angry again, started saying that he will find someone else to sleep w him then. started yellung at me that i shouldve took what he said seriously. he said idc if he finds another woman to sleep with. i told him that i just have too much to do at home. he got angry and ask me why i didnt talk back to him like this when we were arguing about the car. but just when hes going to sleep, i have to talk back to make him mad again. i told him im just telling him so he wouldnt think i dont care if he cheats on me. he said i shouldve been like this before he wants to go bed and started yelling about the car again, he yelled that i have no right to talk back when i was wrong about the car. i told him we already handled the car situation, why is he yelling about it again. the problem now is a different subject. he still yells about the car. he said for me to stfu and just stay still or hes going to beat the shit outta me. i did that, but he kept asking me the same question over and over. making me answer the same over and over, he didnt like my answer, so each time hed tell me to stfu or hes going to hit me. then ask me again, it went on. i ask him what he wants me to answer since he doesnt like what i respond. he said for me to just say yes or no. if i still answer the way i did, he will hit me. so, he ask me again, i just answered yes and no, and idk. he said for us to go bed. he then ask me if im going to be discipline now or not? i just responded w yes and no. he started kicked the back of my head twice and he said he never told me to respond like a robot. got. up and started hitting me. he said he doesnt care who i am, if he wants to hit or kill me, he will. he said just because hes my husband, doesnt mean he has to be patient w me. idk. anymore, i hate him to death. i need to leave for the sake of my kids! but i cant leave him at all! the thoughts of him being w someone else kills me even tho hes so bad to me. someone knock some sense into me. i have no one to talk to. i cant support my kids. im really dependednt on him.