Too many pets?

I’m 22 and live with my boyfriend. We don’t have a huge place. We have only been together for about a year and a couple months. Anyway, I love animals. Always have. I grew up with horses, dogs, cats, turtles, lizards, snakes, bunnies, guniea pigs, birds, chickens, etc. Right now, only have one dog and my boyfriend has a dog. His dog just had puppies but we have found homes for all them. My boyfriend ok’d me getting a bird as long as it’s not one that squawks a lot. I had a few birds that haven’t been incredibly nosy all the time. Eventually, I want to get another horse and another dog. I just love being around animals. I love having pets. I am not asking my boyfriend to help or anything. And when I do get a bird, it’ll be mine so he has no responsibility.

But my family is giving me Hell for even talking about wanting another dog eventually and getting a bird. They are saying I am young and need to explore and all that crap without worrying about my pets. I don’t know if it’s because they really do think I can explore or because we have only been together for a short time? But he needs to know anyway that animals just come with me. My dogs usually come with me on trips and if they can’t I always get someone to watch them and pay them if I have to. Anyway, am I making a mistake? I don’t get pets when I know I can’t afford it, I’m responsible, I give them attention, I make sure they are happy. Why are they giving me hell? My ideal life is surrounded by animals. When I get a bigger house, I want more.