
I’ve had depression since I was 14 in middle school. I’m now 17, and I use to cut. Ive been clean for 2 years now, and it was all from the help of a close friend I had. I hung out with her every chance I got, started going to church, she was there for me when I wasn’t there myself. A month ago, we got into a fight and she threw the rings I got her for our friendship off a balcony into the ocean. She was going to do something stupid and I got an adult, I don’t want her to harm herself of others. So I’m fake for that. But since she’s been gone I haven’t been myself, even my boyfriend agrees. I rather stay in bed instead of go to work or school and my doctors want me to start back up on some new meds. I don’t feel like she’s the cause of it, but I know that since she’s been gone, it’s been rough for me, and I don’t know how to get her back into my life