

Hey ladies! I am in need of some advice/help on what you guys think I should do. I had my period the week of Easter and I seemed to have ovulated 2x since then so of course we bd’d. Well the 26th of April I woke super nauseous and just feeling different. I took a pregnancy test and had a SUPER faint line. Decided to wait a few days to test again and I got nothing! A BFN! So this has been almost 3 weeks now and I’m getting more and more pregnancy symptoms. I’m nauseous almost every day, getting super bad headaches, kinda gassy, my breasts are really tender, super bloated and this weekend the smell of some foods just turn my stomach and I feel like I could throw up. Also, I want sec like ALL the time, when I’m not feeling like I could puke... I’m still getting negative tests though. So I’m going on 7 weeks without my period. My periods aren’t super regular but never go more than 6 weeks without it. So what would you guys do? Should I wait it out some more or go to the Dr for blood tests and stuff? I’m just so sick of feeling like this and not knowing what’s wrong.

Thanks in advance! Baby dust to all! 💕