It’s about time...


Since I was about nine I had felt with poor self esteem and a horrible self image. It started that summer when I was molested by my cousin. I kept it deep inside and didn’t know what to do. It felt like it was my fault. Then I turned to eating my feelings. I had gained so much weight that I had gone from a juniors size to a regular women’s. From there I fell into a deep dark depression. A year or so passed and I was now 11. I was then made fun of for my weight. I dealt with it for two years. I was then 13. It got so severe that on April 30, 2015 I tried to end my life, thinking that life would get better. I wanted so desperately to be on the other side and stop my own pain I didn’t realize the pain I caused my family. I was hospitalized and there was when I first saw my grandfather cry. He never cried. Now after three years or so I’m 16 and I’ve taken time to work on myself and work out my own issues. I’m about 75 pounds lighter and have had more confidence than ever. Don’t let anyone of any of the bull shit of life bring you down, within time it’ll be irrelevant... in the meantime, you do you boo because you’re prefect 😁♥️♥️