My pregnant friend pisses me off

Ok so a little foreword. I have three kids, I’ve been friends with this woman for almost ten years. She has another kid from her previous relations. (Who’s a real piece of work, a whiny arrogant, selfish little thing) We’re both(normally) very thin women. She’s one of my best friends. Ok now that there’s some ground. This may sound entirely cunty, and that’s fine, I know it’s stupid but I’ve gotta get it off my chest. So this woman is around 30 weeks and she is so tiny. Her belly is so small and slight, and she told me she’s only gained 10-15 pounds the whole time so far. I love her, and I’m so happy for her but god damn does she make me so fuckin livid sometimes. She’s constantly complaining about how big she is, and how tired she is all the time, and she’s whiny. She’s always holding her back and waddling around and huffing and puffing. And she’s saying how hard it is for her to do normal stuff like walk up and down the stairs, or pick up her kids toys, or do little chores. Look, I’ve been pregnant, fuck, I just had a baby a month ago, I’m still getting over that shit. And I was bigger than her at 3 months pregnant. I’ve sayed before, I’m a thin woman normally, and when I got pregnant, I gained 40lbs the first time, 100lbs the second, and 60lbs with my youngest. All rather healthy weights, and my stomach was pregnant as fuck obviously. I was sick and tired, and my back hurt so much, and everything swelled. It was fuckin brutal my dudes. This last pregnancy I’ll use as my prime example for why I am so angry. Last year, I split from my husband, I was on my own, I had two kids(4 and 5) to look after, a house to maintain, errands to run, yard to keep. All the regular things. And I was doing all of that while pregnant as all hell, huuuuuuge belly. Getting in the way of shit, bumping my kids over sometimes. Getting stuck in the bathtub big. Guys, I was big for my little body! I had heartburn, and I was throwing up, and oh my fuck, my back was on fire 90% of the time right from the get go. But I still did all the do things. I carried my kids to bed if they needed it, I shoveled my walkway and back patio(Canada man🙄) I did my dishes, I moved a couch out of my house, I walked to the grocery store pulling a wagon with my other kids in it. I DID ALL OF THAT, right up until I had my baby. Fuck, I have my kids most of they one. Even the day after I had her, my ex husband(who had taken my girls while I PUSHED A BABY OUT OF MY CUNT, asked when I was getting out of the hospital so I could take my kid to school. And you know what, I barely sayed a word about it. I didn’t bitch and Moan every chance I got, because it had to be done, that’s just life. I wasn’t going to make someone put their life on hold for me just because I was pregnant as fuck. How is that fair? And you know what she does? She calls me all the Fuckin time for help. She needs this, she needs that, “I’m lonely, I’m sad, I need someone to take my kid here for me, I’m pregnant, help me.” Like who the Fuck do you think you are?!? You can still do all of that yourself, you’re just fuckin lazy!!! You’ve got a boyfriend who can help you, who’s around all the time! Why the fuck are you calling me up for help all the damn time you lazy sack of piss!? (I obvi didn’t say that but I fuckin wanted to) but seriously. It just makes me so fuckin angry, like seething mad, she had the balls to lay in my fuckin bed like she owned the bitch, and piss and moan about how hard she’s got it, when I’m sitting there, strung out from sleep deprivation, sitting down for the first time in hours and hours, breastfeeding my newest after finally getting my older two in bed, barely even alive, hungry, thirsty the whole nine, and SHE ASKED ME IF I COULD MAKE HER FOOD BECAUSE SHE NEEDED TO EAT!!!! Like fuck you and the horse you rode in on! I haven’t eaten since yesterday and haven’t slept more than a few hours all week! I didn’t make her food, I tossed a box of Oreos her way. You’re hungry, you’ll eat whatever the fuck I give you! Oh fuck, I’m telling you, I wanted to punch her so fuckin hard. Does she think the world revolves around her? She thinks she’s the only pregnant bitch on this planet? Motherfucker, where were you when I was hungry? Where were you when I was a week from my due date and shovelling my yard, and cooking three meals a day for my kids, and running errands with no car? Huh? You Fuckin DRIVE!!!! Goddamn I feel like I’m exploding in her presence, for real. Now when she messages I roll my eyes, it’s like “what the fuck do you want this time you lazy cunt” it’s ridiculous!!! Like how is she going to manage once that kid pops out? Bitch better not ask me to fuckin babysit I’ll tell you what! I’ll lose my fuckin mind! Like we were so close and I feel like shit that she makes me so mad and I want to be there for her but I’ve reached my limit. Ok, that felt good. I’m way not ok, but it felt good to get it off my chest.