My love got drunk last night. (Kinda long)


So I’m a bartender and work nights. Well my feller got off work at 5:30, I left money at the house for him to go pick up dinner(whatever he wanted), then come meet me at the bar to eat. It was Sunday night so I knew there wouldn’t be much going on and we would be able to sit down and eat together with minimal interruptions.

We don’t do date nights often, so we make time in our crazy schedules for little things like this.

Anyway, as the night goes by he’s drinking his drinks and hanging out with a friend of ours and has a couple shots. 3 to be exact...

He’s having fun, cutting loose a little bit, won a little money on our poker machines, etc.

Then as I’m cleaning the bar to close up for the night he walks up to the bar looks at me and says

“I’m Lenny B’s drunk, I think it’s time to go home”

(That’s a bar I used to bartend at, in the casino we both used to work at. Also where we met.)

I almost fell over laughing at him because he went from just fine to goofy dancing drunk man in no time. We get home and poor baby threw up on himself while trying to burp... we had Mexican food for supper so I’m sure it tasted terrible.

We go shower, he’s dancing and singing like his life depends on it. I find it super amusing and can’t stop laughing at him. I’ve only ever seen him drunk once, but never the trying to shower and dance and not bust his ass drunk.

Tells me I look like a raccoon cause my face paint smudged in the shower, and says “but you’re a cute raccoon, and I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with you”

So once we’re laying down to sleep he rolls over and says that he’s gonna “wife me up” one day. Not today, but one day. We’ve been together since September, and the talk of marriage has never come up. I’m not in a hurry for that, it’s still fairly early in the relationship, and I’m not the kind to rush it. So in return to his comments I tell him that I’m fine with that and would willingly let him wife me up as he put it.

So he gets comfy again, then his goofy ass says half asleep... “I’m gonna marry a raccoon one day”


He also apologized for getting drunk.... which I wasn’t at all mad at, I mean, I was fixing his drinks, and I could’ve cut him off at any point. But we don’t get to have too many kid free, work free, adult nights. So I let him do his thing.

I love this goofy man. 😂😍

Adding to the post... 🤣