Super anxious...

Kat • Eliana Lynn 03/05/2019🌈💖 Alexander James 06/15/2020🌈💙 Amelia Elizabeth 03/24/2022🌈💖

Went to the hospital Saturday night 5/19 because I had been spotting brown for 3 days prior and it got worse that day. They ran blood tests and HcG levels were at 754... putting me at under 4 weeks or miscarrying. They made me wait over an hour just to tell me that and send me home. No ultrasound, nothing. I’m suppose to be 6-7 weeks. Still bleeding today. It’s red now but there’s not a lot. Doesn’t even cover half a pad or soak through after an entire day. I’m having very light cramps around my pelvis but nothing more.. I see my doctor tomorrow to get more blood tests to see if levels have gone up or down. I’m praying everything works out and baby is okay. This is my first pregnancy and I want this to stick so badly. Has anyone else been in my boat and had a healthy baby? Light bleeding, very mild cramps, and low HcG in 700s...