Be positive!


Hi ladies...

My husband and i have been trying for a baby over a year when i was diagnosed with PCOS.

He was one of the most positive person i’ve ever met. Always encouraging me to live healthier, losing weight and lots more..

We went for a few session with a gynae. And i was prescribed with Clomid. And since we are not in the best situation financially, i thought if the gynae only gonna keep on prescribing me Clomid everytime, there’s no point seeing her and paying her almost $200 each session. So, we stopped going there.

And with God’s will, we are now 9 weeks pregnant...

All i’m trying to say here is that, it all starts from within, from yourself. Don’t let anyone bring you down. There gonna be days when u feel so low, pick yourself up again, and go on.

Don’t stop!

Never give up!