How do you cope and try again?

A little back story on me. I have a beautiful 4 yr old daughter that I conceived with the help of metformin very easily. Two years later I started the metformin again, got pregnant again (easily) but miscarried at 16 weeks. The baby’s heart beat stopped at 13 weeks. I had a D&C; and a kind of heartache I’d never known before. A year later we were ready to try again. I started metformin but wasn’t getting any positive opks so I talked to my doc and took a round of clomid. It worked beautifully got pregnant but had a natural miscarriage around 4/5 weeks. That was a year ago and now I’m thinking it’s time to try one last time but I have so much anxiety and fear and want inside of me I don’t know how to deal with it. The what if’s are a nightmare. Right now I’m taking metformin again (currently on my period which is a story on its own. I have PCOS and a period every other month so far this year. Last year I had one period. 🙄) and we are just not trying not preventing. I just don’t know how to get past this fear. ✌🏼