Strangest dream + earliest dream

Strangest dream: one night I had a dream that I was running around a school that looked sort of like a historical building in Boston. At some point, I tripped and fell into a bunch of mulch where a big tree was planted. When I stood up, there was this huge bump under my wrist’s skin. I fucked with it a little and an acorn finally popped out. It’s always stuck with me and I don’t know why or what it means?

Earliest dream: this one truly fucks me up. I was like 9years old I believe, and I had this horrible, disturbing nightmare. There was a little girl locked in the closet space of a an RV or something like that? Could have been a house closet but the interior looked like a big vehicle. She begged me to save her, that he was “hurting” her. I ran to my mom and dad’s room, and it turns out my mother had the same dream. It scared the hell out of us both. I didn’t recognise the girl because I never watched the news or looked at the paper, my parents sheltered me when it came to tragedies and shit. My mom recognised her. She was a little girl my age, born a month or so before me. My mom called the cops in a panic. She didn’t really expect them to listen to her, but she couldn’t not try to help the girl was missing in Florida, not too far from our city. Obviously, the cops didn’t believe my mom. She kept trying to tell them the little girl was in a trailer somewhere. They didn’t listen, and finally they found the girl. By then it was too late and she was dead. He abused her, then buried her alive. That dream still haunts me, and I remember it as vividly as if it happened yesterday. The girl’s name was Jessica Lunsford, and even though I’m not religious I often pray for her that she’s in a better place now. I can’t explain that dream to save my life, and I’ve never understood what to make of it. She would have been 22 now, like me. I wish we could have saved her, it must have destroyed her family.