Walmart Fun

Me (16yrs old), my older brother (26yrs old), and my little sister (14yrs old) all went to Walmart yesterday for pictures for my semester exam and a new video game I've been looking forward to. So we go to order the pictures first and there are people already using the picture thing so we go look at the games section. And this woman RUNS over to my brother and says if we need help to find her and then RUNS back to where she was. And shes just watching us. So we're like okay, that's fine, she likes her job. (?) So we go back to pictures and get them blah blah blah.

And, imma throw this out here cause it's an important part of the story, my little sister likes to hold my brothers hand since she was little so we were all used to it.

SO, after receiving my pictures we go back to get that game. And there was the original and the ultimate edition so we wanted to know the price difference. So we're picking on my sister to go ask the chick how much they were. And I guess she sees us and walks over and asked if we needed to know prices. So yeah, she checks and we go with the original cause I'm cheap. And she has the game in her hand and says "So how long have ya'll been together?"

And we're all like

And for some reason my brother thought she was talking about me and my sister and says "Oh, they're sisters." To which she replies with "No, you two." TALKING BOUT MY BROTHER AND SISTER.

We panic y'all

My brother blurts out "WE'RE ALL SISTERS" so I panic more and correct him "SIBLINGS". And this woman goes "Oh, I just seen you holding hands with someone so I just" and we knew she was talking about our sister so we all start talking at once and I couldn't help but YELL "SHE'S JUST CLINGY."

So she walks to the cash register to check us out and asks my brother about his tattoo and asked if it hurt. And she just starts talking about her tattoo, which leads to her talking about her home town, to her son, to her husband, to her failing marriage and so on.

And this woman is completely spilling her life story bruh. And you could visibly tell we were so uncomfortable and wanted to leave. Before we even get the receipt we're already iing to leave and shes just following us and still talking.

She FINALLY gives us this receipt and we start walking away as fast as we can.

Not gonna lie we sat in the car 20 minutes trying to figure out if that ACTUALLY happened. We're still shook.