positive blood and urine tests but no visible pregnancy on ultrasound

I took a hpt which was positive, according to my last period I should be around 6w1d pregnant. yesterday I had some light spotting which became much heavier and I was passing very small clots. I was worried I was having a miscarriage so I went to the obgyn today to see what is going on with me. They gave me a urine test and a blood test which both came back positive. I went in for a ultrasound via the vagina and the doc said he couldn't see any pregnancy in my uterus. I have to come back in 48 hours for another blood test to see if my hcg levels are increasing or decreasing. I am so worried, part of me thinks I'm having a miscarriage but I also feel like I might still be pregnant but its just too early to detect it. has anyone else ever been through something like this. I would appreciate some advice