major pity party post (you've been warned)


So as I sit here with a roof over my head, a nice car to drive, a wonderful fiance, and a job I love; I can't help but feel sad about my circumstances. You see, I don't make much at my job even though I love it. and my fiance makes decent money but he hates his job and it's very labor intensive. we live in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment. it's hard for us to save money and the money we have saved is about to pay for our wedding. I want so badly to have children... so badly... I'm 27 and I've dreamed of having a family since I was a child. but we can't afford a house. No way could we afford childcare or live off of just one income. our jobs have almost 0 opportunities to move up in, and my fiance is stuck on this dream of owning his own business which I do support but secretly I feel it won't pan out and it will leave him crushed. not to mention we don't even have money to start a business. basically I wrote all this out to rant and to ask... how does one become content with these circumstances... right now I'm finding it hard to swallow.