Passing drug test

So..just looking for feedback here. I’m sure I’ll get tons of negative or rude comments but please, try to refrain and be as non judgmental as possible. I barely ever smoke weed. Like, once every couple of months IF that and when I do it’s literally one to two hits.. I applied for a job and have learned IF it’s offered to me, I’ll have to take a drug test. I may be getting a little bit ahead of myself but I’m kinda starting to panic. I really want this job. The last time I smoked I believe was around May 5th. I’m like 90% sure. See, that’s how rarely I do it. And like I said, I only take 1-2 hits. I know it takes about 30 days for it to get out of your system, is that right? So I’m probably going to fail this potential drug test.. 😒 yes, I’m aware, it’s my own fault for doing it, just a little disappointing/nerve wracking.