First time pregnant

I am first time pregnant right now I am 15 weeks 2 days pregnant and my morning sickness little gone but sometimes I not feeling well and my husband not here with me and it's so hard for me I am alone and nobody not help me
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I know how you feel! Since I've found out I was pregnant, my husband got orders to go overseas for 3 year to a country that doesn't allow families to go, my parents decided to move away and I didn't have any super close friends here since they had either gotten married and moved or it was just because my family was here and I spent a lot of time with them. Even my sister just moved for a new job. So I'm really nervous about working full time with a little one and literally no support! It's already kinda sad sometimes when all I want is to come home from work and have someone make me a little dinner or something. But we just have to remain positive and know that whatever life ends up looking like, we'll get up every morning and we'll make it through the day...that's pretty much what I have to tell myself every day not to get too sad. Oh, and I'm now trying to single handedly buy a house since staying here alone with the baby wasn't really what we had in mind and didn't really prepare for it (I'm currently in a one bedroom apartment and that's not gonna fly)...good luck girl! You can do it! 


MUSKA • Jul 8, 2015


MUSKA • Jul 6, 2015
thanks..You too lucky...


Francesca • Jul 5, 2015
you such a strong woman... congrats! and keep being positive! xxx


Posted at
If you ever need someone to talk to you can talk to me! I'm in the same position as you. Its very frustrating when your alone.


Mariya • Jul 8, 2015
thank you😊 and congratulations girl!


MUSKA • Jul 8, 2015
thanks.. You too not alone... You can talk me...


Posted at
Hopefully everything turns out well!!! Just keep being positive :)


MUSKA • Jul 8, 2015
Ok.. thanks


Posted at
Can you reach out to family or friends close by? Try joining a first time moms club. Are you in the U.S.? Google for clubs and meet ups. Or pregnancy yoga/exercise classes to connect with other moms nearby. 


MUSKA • Jul 3, 2015
no I am live in Toronto and I am not in club mom... thanks understand me

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Cestitam 😋