Terrified to TTC after 2 losses


Is this normal? I got pregnant for the first time in April. I was 4 days late but hadn't been testing early, because several months prior I was obsessing about it. So I tested and there was a vvfl. Tested again, another positive. Any way I started bleeding later that day and that was that... the very next month in May, I tested really early, like 5 days before my period. Positive! I tested for days and I was getting all kinds of positives, even on digitals. We were THRILLED. We told family and close friends. Seven days later, I started bleeding heavy. Tested. It was negative. Tested again. Negative. Now I'm on CD 6 and eager to try again, but also petrified. I don't think I can handle another loss. How did you guys cope? How can I not be so scared??