Screw it...!!!!!!!???


So has anyone here ever just got fed up with their job and quit without a plan to pursue or follow their own dream?

Has anyone ever just felt like their job was making them unhappy and said screw it, let it go without having another job?

Tell me your stories please. Gosh I need it!!!


So I’ve been having this feeling of quitting my job that I’ve been at for 4 yrs now and taking a leap at a life that now I am ready to live. It started last year at the 2 yr mark were my feelings were changing so much that even though I felt happy at home at work I was miserable and it was starting to reflect on my daily life. I worked swing shift for 3 yrs and I switched over to days thinking it was probably that. During days I began to feel better but 8 months into my new shift I’m starting to feel that miserable feeling again. Ok I’m 34 and my work is full of 20yr olds my supervisor is 24 or 25 and my Lead is 25. Some of them are so arrogant and careless that I feel out of my element. Don’t get me wrong it’s not just the age that is bothering me there, attitudes yes, but not age. Hey and im still young too right 😉 anyhow I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and finding out why being there bothers me so much. So I’ve been listening to a lot of Tony Robbins the man is good alright 😂 well I’ve discovered that I have a great need to inspire and move lives. I am passionate person and when it comes to helping someone in emotional, spiritual or mental need. I don’t want an office job or to be a therapist either. I like hands on projects and things that keep my mind busy. I like telling stories and making hearts warm again and hopeful and renewed and I love to see people’s dreams come to life. I want to be simple yet creative.

See at my job is not only that the youngster are rude or mean. They are dead inside seriously they are living zombies 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ I’ve had a few talks with some when they share their hurts, fears and uncertainties and when they allow me to speak to them with an open heart and they listen and they tell me how much I’ve helped.... THAT..... inspires me. It moves me and I realized that, that place is to small for me and I can’t grow and share what I love with anybody and I get depressed with how much they can suck up my positive energy. They just don’t want it.

So yeah that’s what I’ve learned so far of me. It’s really not all I thought it was that I was just bored or over this job and Needed another one....I realized it doesn’t matter were I go I will always feel this way.

Question is how am I gonna pursue all of this does it have a title?