PLEASE let me go into labour 😭

Meghan • Mummy of 1 born 2018.05.26

I think I had my bloody show last night but I’m honestly not sure... it was shortly after having sex, but not immediately. I went to the bathroom and when I stood up there were pink globs in the toilet and when I wiped there was more on the toilet paper. I put a pantyliner on and it seems like a little more came out but it definitely stopped before this morning. I also had pretty strong contractions, enough that I got in the shower to relieve them a little. I took some Tylenol and slept as much as possible per my Midwife’s instructions. Now it’s 1:30pm and I haven’t had any more contractions since very early this morning. I’ll be cleaning my house and bouncing on my ball for the rest of today! Hopefully it’s the start of something!!!