Emergency room visit


A couple weeks ago I started taking Sprintec (combination BC pill)...

Some of the symptoms I immediately started having..

  1. I noticed I was more fatigue than normal. It was like my eyes were heavy parts of the day and that never happens.
  2. My emotions were definitely way off. I was way in my feels alot and little things made me cry that normally never happens either.
  3. I already noticed weight gain when i have a healthy diet and I exercise a few days a week so that was way weird!!

Last night I woke up in the middle of the night 11:30 ish and my stomach and my arm were in excruciating pain. I have never felt anything like it. I tried to lay there and let it pass but after tossing around and unable to find relief I got out of bed and went into the living room... I called my boyfriend and told him I was going to the ER because I was in tears the pain was that bad.. I got in my car and had a hard time driving because of the discomfort and I pulled over a few times and got out because I thought i was going to throw up but never did..

I got to the hospital and it took like 40 minutes before any one could see me because all the rooms were full and they were having a crazy night. I was sitting in the waiting room feeling like death and the pain was still like a 10/10. I was soooo uncomfortable and when I finally got in a room they took blood work and a urine sample. They tested those to see if anything would come back and nothing came back..

When they took my blood pressure though I noticed the top number said 175!! I know that is not normal and that is very high. I cannot remember the bottom number but I am pretty sure it was normal and thats why i do not remember. While I was waiting i had the hardest time finding any relief. I tried to stretch my body and i tried throwing up because I kept feeling nauseous but nothing was coming up.. I was nearly in tears while I waited... After about 2-3 hours I started to notice the pain was subsiding and I was able to lay down and close my eyes. after laying there for a while the paid went from a 10 to about a 4... I told the nurse and she told me I could go home. She didnt find anything and I have absolutely no idea what caused this but It was so bad I went when i dont even have health insurance right now.. I have applied this morning for a temporary medicaid so maybe i can get the hospital visit covered and get to a doctor next week..

the next day (today) the pain is still mild. it is still making me uncomfterable but i am able to work. I am having a hard time concentrating and my body feels weak and my stomach still hurts but its not nearly as bad anymore. I am very scared it will come back and i wont know what to do about it. I called my boyfriend on my lunch break today and just started crying because of how bad i feel this morning and im just scared. Especially without insurance.

Please advice anyone????