My Handsome husband and Adorable punk butt Nephew

TattoedMommyOfOne • Momma to 1 baby in heaven.

Our nephew decided he wanted to sleep with aunty and uncle tonight. So we let him. I succeeded in getting him asleep before 10pm. He's 3 and does not like bedtime. He usually never goes to sleep before midnight. So around 11pm my husband turned on his side to fall asleep and our nephew just curled right into Uncle Kyle. I can imagine this happening when my husband and I have kids ourselves someday. Our nephew may be the biggest punk butt ever but when he's being sweet at night time like he has been for the last month, having to check on me every night asking me if I am Ok, I love him even more.

Update*** What I see when I come back in the room at 12:15am. They are definitely related. They are both snoring (yay Me! said sarcastically) and our nephew is talking in his sleep. I just hope when my husband gets up at 6 am he does not wake up our Nephew.