What would you do?

My SO is 30 years old, we have one son and a home together.ever since I've known him he's always been really close with his ex. They talk a lot. Pretty much everyday, usually texting. She lives in CA now and we live in the Midwest. They took each others virginity (both 15) and dated after that for 3 years. I noticed the other day, while at his dad's he had a box of pictures that he had saved, mostly pictures of her and him, and little keepsakes she gave him...cards, small teddy bear, clothes, notes...then just yesterday I was looking on his phone (with permission!) because he needed me to look for a screenshot he saved for a bill, and there was pics of her saved on his phone that were screenshots from snapchat. Most of her and her dog and her in her swim suit...I commented to him that I seen it and he blew up saying they're just friends. He's cheated on me in the past mutiple times so I'm still having a hard time trusting him. I'm afraid to be alone and leaving isn't an option right now. What would you do?