After 2 and a Half years LDR, we are finally closing the distance!!!


Yay!!! I’m so excited!

The official move is the last week of August! Finalizing details

This is Hien <3

He is first generation Vietnamese

This is me!

I’m Mexican/Lebanese by blood, but spoke Spanish in my household.

We met on League of Legends back in 2015!

We were originally just really good gaming friends.

I was going through some shit IRL, that he had no idea about, related to trauma with sexual assault and abuse.

We were friends for a few months. Then 2016 rolled around and I confided in him that I was kinda sad cuz I didn’t have anyone to celebrate my birthday with me. (As this was when I was struggling the most with my agoraphobia)

So he said hm.

Then he asks me where Midway Airport is, and I was like why... and he’s like “I’m flying in there to visit you”

And I was like Nani?

And yeah. Long story short, he showed up and I was like woah.

The first day was pretty platonic. My dad came with me to pick him up because ya never know with the internet

Then we went to the Shedd Aquarium (as it was Hien’s first time in Chicago) and it felt like I was 3rd wheeling a date between my dad and Hien LMAO

But then we took him to check into his hotel, which is when the platonicness kinda went away because of my own advances. And as I struggled with my worth, I figured “he must only be here to have sex with me. Why would he visit otherwise?” And felt I owed him.

So I seduced him and like, while we were kissing he looked in my eyes and told me he loved me and I was like WAT

And yeah, kinda just ignored it.

So things got kinda awkward.

We went to winter wonderfest the next day and just sat there. And I was waiting to see if he would like, say anything about the day before, or if he just said I love you in the heat of the moment idk.

But it was so awkward so I just asked him awkwardly if he wanted to go out with me (I know it’s like old high school way of asking someone out)

And I took a picture of his face the second I asked. Unfortunately I currently lost access to my old gmail, so I can’t post it right now. But he looked disgusted to me at the time. But he said yes.

About 6 months ago I asked him why he made that face and was disgusted. And he was like ?!?! I made that face cuz I thought you didn’t like me and I was like wtf

This was the 2nd time I visited him in Minnesota! We stayed at an Airbnb, because in his culture, it’s not okay for an unmarried couple to sleep in the house of the family. (Or at all really)

He’s been through hell and back with me. Through things most people would be like C YA.

And I am eternally grateful because without his support, I wouldn’t be as strong and secure in myself as I am now. He fought for me until I could fight for myself (though now he might be regretting it LMAO jk)

I am so excited!

I would always get people telling me that LDR never works, or i would never get out there and all this bullshit, but here we are going strong. He’s been the most loyal and supportive man out of ALL the men I’ve been with, and trust me that’s been a lot of men.

Don’t let anyone tell you what’s the right way to date. Just because they can’t do it, doesn’t mean you can’t. <3