Second guessing C-section


So I’m currently 38 weeks, and my c-section is scheduled a week from now.

I’m starting to freak myself out and second guess my decision for a repeat c-section over a VBAC.

My first c-section was 23 months ago, due to a failed induction. My daughter had IUGR and I was low on fluid, so the high risk doctor felt it best to induce at 37 weeks. Medication, pitocin and that horrible balloon all failed, and after 72 hours, a c-section was done.

I was given the option of VBAC with this pregnancy. If I go into labor before the surgery, the plan is to have a trial of labor. However, I am terrified of a uterine rupture, and there is the possibility that labor will fail to progress with this birth as well, and I’d end up with a c-section anyway.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? How do you know if you’re making the “right” choice? I’m freaking myself out over a section, yet also freaked out by a vbac!

Any advice?