Is it really that bad lol


So since I work in a nursery and more than half of the kids I’ve watched are staff kids,

I’ve been around breast feeding a lot.

I had a coworker who worked in the room with me with her baby in class so I was with her when she nursed her daughter.

Also coworkers come into the class and nurse as needed.

So I’ve been around it quite a bit and I’m not blind to the fact that breast feeding is a bond I won’t understand until I’m there AND that it makes me jealous.

Especially when I see a baby pull up from nursing and smile at her mother. My ovaries screamed. I think it is beautiful.

So I was talking to someone else who doesn’t have kids and I said breastfeeding is one of the things I am most looking forward to trying when I have a baby.

She looked at me like

Am I that weird to already be thinking about this before I’m even pregnant?