Fussy baby

Brittany 🎀 4/21/18

So our daughter will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. She was born at 34 weeks just FYI.

So she gets upset sometimes when passing gas and trying to poop but her poop is mushy and she poops multiple times a day so I don’t think she’s having issues there.

However, at night my husband says she’s inconsolable for like 15-30 minutes around feeding time. I am in bed at the time he is talking cause we have a schedule trying to allow each of us to get as much sleep as possible.

I have seen her be upset and cry and we do everything we can to get her to calm down but even when I get up with her after my husband goes to bed she eats and goes back to sleep.

We spoke to our dr about it and she said it’s normal and nothing to worry about. I do believe she’s probably right but I just wanted to ask if others babies just cry even when something isn’t wrong. Not for too long but the dr said babies do cry even when they aren’t sure what they want.

She was spitting up some the last week or so. She has only been home for a week and a half. But again her dr said that was pretty normal as well with her being so young. This is our first and only child so we both just always over think things and let’s be honest google is not a good place to look. 😂