Scared toddler 😿


Any other moms have issues with nighttime? That can give me advice!!!!!! My daughter occasionally wakes up and just sits in her bed scared to move or come out of the room and it kills me (I’m a pretty sensitive person and cry easily).

When she was born we lived with my mother in law so we shared a room and she slept with us. We moved out April ‘17, so she’s had her own room for a year and when she did finally start sleeping in it; it was okay she hardly ever got scared had no issues with the dark. Lately she is terrified of sleeping in the dark, we keep a lamp on and rotating stars on PLUS a noise machine. We close the door, but open it when go to bed and keep ours open too.

Normally she comes out just fine, especially since her lamp is on now, but tonight she woke up got out of bed and climbed back I I waited for her to come out of her room, but she sat on her bed for 3 minuets and then started crying low. I went in and she was terrified, trembling like I’ve never seen before and so much fear in her eyes.

I don’t know what else to do. I hate seeing her scared. I always remind her we’re here to protect her.